The importance of songs in english languege classes

Falatyné Krész, Anikó (2003) The importance of songs in english languege classes. Masters, Szegedi Tudományegyetem.

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The use ofsongs in language classes has been gaining in popularity as a pleasurable way of teaching foreign languages to young learners. Fun and language learning used to be very far from each other but more and more language teachers use songs as a possible motivation for young learners. The aim of my thesis is to investigate the questions how efficient songs can be when we teach English to young children. I also attempt to examine how songs fit in with the different skills. In Chapter One I focus on the Characteristic Features of Young Learners and the role of the teacher. On the other hand this part gives a short survey of different age groups and describes the most essential characteristic features of young learners, to whom English is taught as a foreign language. Language teachers can choose from a number oftypes of songs and these ones can be found in this section. In Chapter Two I deal with the advantages of using songs, the problem of developing different skills through teaching songs and the activities, which are the most effective ones to develop listening, reading, speaking and writing. Chapter Three describes my research on effectiveness of songs, if they are useful aids of language classes. Furthermore, it shows my pupils opinion on using songs during the English lessons. In the last part of the thesis, the conclusion will be drawn that the result of my research seems to support my hypotheses. In the research part the survey will provide information about the efficiency of songs and the analysis ofthe data collected during the research.


Szegedi Tudományegyetem


Gyula Juhász Teacher Training College


Angol Tanszék


Teacher Training




Supervisor scientific name label
Sinka, Hilda

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Subjects: 05. Social sciences > 05.03. Educational sciences
Depositing User: Szerkesztő JGYPK
Date Deposited: 2019. May. 16. 11:50
Last Modified: 2019. May. 20. 07:33

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